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Finding Home Bathroom Quotes

Looking to remodel or enhance the bathroom in your home? Whatever your circumstances are, there are a number of local professionals who can help you explore options quickly and install what’s needed proficiently. Simply answer the questions above to compare free quotes from a network of home bathroom installers so that you can get started on the perfect home bathroom solution today.

The Truth About Home Bathroom Remodeling

Preparing to renovate your home bathroom? Get ready. If your plans indicate that you must turn off the water for an extensive duration, be sure to make alternative restroom arrangements.

Home Bathroom Makeover Basics

A significant bathroom remodel entails substantial groundwork and research. You must plan diligently to avoid daily routine disruptions. Home bathroom projects can also be expensive. Based on Remodeling magazine, there are different tiers of home bathroom remodeling: mid-range incorporates elements like ceramic tiled floors and tub mounting, double sinks and vanities, a sunken medicine cabinet, varied wallpaper selections and a new toilet. Then there’s upscale, which is more comprehensive and covers more components - changing your home bathroom in its entirety. From expanding the walls to window additions and fixture modifications/replacements, it can be an immense endeavor. New tile showers, customized countertop schemes, bidets and other luxury items can result in additional (costly) expenses.


Remodeling magazine led a national survey which unveiled that the average cost of a mid-range bathroom makeover was about $16,000, with a 64% resale investment. Western states exhibited the most in terms of costs (over $19,000), but had a higher return of 80%. Upper midwestern states were closer to the average ($16,000) when it came to expenses, but the rate return was conspicuously lower at 55%. Southern central states had the best pricing at just over $14,000 with a 70% ROI.

Consult with a Home Bathroom Renovation Expert or Do It Yourself?

If you prefer doing things yourself, it’s likely you’ll be capable of handling your home bathroom remodeling needs. But if you don’t want to deal with the hassle, there’s always the option of hiring a home bathroom renovation contractor. If opting for the professional route, be sure to compare their pricing to online quotes and discount stores. If demolition is involved, you might want to consider doing it yourself to save on labor costs.

You’re Not Alone

If you elected to do the remodel yourself, look for guidance and suggestions from people who’ve done it before. Did they work with a consultant? They can most likely refer you so that you can get a quote. Not sure if you can find someone who’s completed a home bathroom project? By completing the form above, you’ll have quality information and high valued recommendations on products, rates, and contractors in your area at your fingertips.